Elektrum is a product for browsing and viewing large collections of photographs in a scalable way.
Python | Ansible | AWS | PostgreSQL | SQS | Java | Lambda
Related projects
metadata-processor - extracts a wide variety of image & video metadata from a wide variety of formats.
thumbnailer - dynamically thumbnail an image. Handles proper rotation & cropping to a specified size.
lgw - deploy a serverless lambda and API gateway quickly on AWS with minimal configuration.
Efficiently upload a huge number of photos to Google Photos from the command line.
Personal Finance Projects
Various useful things to make doing personal accounting in GnuCash easier.
A user-friendly, scriptable interface to get build standard reports and gather transactions from a GnuCash database in a flexible way.
Produces Balance, PnL, Budget reports in CSV & JSON formats.
A command line tool that splits transactions in a QIF file to support budgeting and more granular financial tracking.
A command line tool for convert transactions from CSV and convert to QIF, so the transactions can be easily imported to financial software (especially GNUCash).